Through the course, children explore dry and wet phenomena, different foods by taste, animals, plants, germination and growth, shape change of solids, and understand parts of the house.
Children’s health
Children’s safety
Suitable curriculum for children
Exciting space for children to learn.
Be polite to adults (use honorifics and get objects with two hands)
Say thank you and sorry
Wash the hands with soap and dry with a dry towel
Pour water into the glass
Maintain hygiene (cover mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing)
Listen to others and keep quiet in public
Personal hygiene (brushing teeth, wiping face, combing hair, changing clothes)
Control the emotions (don’t get angry when disagree/dislike something)
Balancing on a straight line
Jump back and forth in a straight line
Jump over obstacles
Bounce the ball
Crawl through the gate
Pass objects by hand
Movement on command: run, walk, turn around, turn all the directions
Aim and throw the ring at the turret
Kick the ball in a certain direction
Throw the ball to the opponent and capture the ball
Expand vocabulary on a number of topics (animals, emotions, school, classroom, family and friends, toys, clothes, food, parks, movement, vehicles, nature, body part)
Role play dialogue, ask and answer questions on a variety of topics
Ask for names, introduce names and genders. (What’s your name? I’m Gus. I’m a girl.)
Inquiry about health. (How are you? Fine, thank you.)
Describe objects and pictures
Color, connect stroke points, plot lines, numbers, letters and words
Recognize letters (w, r, k, b, f, p, s) about English syllables (/b/, /f/, /k/, /w/, /p/, /s/, /r/ )
Listen to understand short conversations, simple commands
Listen to understand the story read with illustrations
Basic colors
Count: from one to ten (1-10)
Question and answer quantity
Shape: circle, square, triangle
Sort objects by color and size.
Size: big, small,
Mathematical concepts: iteration, correspondence
Explore the phenomena: dry-wet,
Explore different dishes by taste
Explore animals, characteristics and habitats and life habits
Plants, germination and growth
Exploring the shape change of solids (color clay)
Discover the sounds of different animals by hearing
Explore parts of the house
Understand of basic colors, blending, transforming and forming colors
Create the ability for creative music through playing with a variety of instruments.
Know how to enjoy music and interact with music in many ways such as swaying and singing along to the music, using body language and emotional expressions to describe the lyrics and melody of the song.
Fine motor skills through the use of fine art tools and visual arts.
The confidence to express oneself, thoughts and feelings through art and music.
Applying the IEYC International Kindergarten Education Program of Fieldwork Education – UK, integrating the Kindergarten Program of the Singapore Ministry of Education and the Preschool Program of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, in order to nurture six aspects of comprehensive development: Aesthetics and Creative Arts, Exploring the World, Language and Literature, Mathematics, Social and Emotional Awareness, Motor Skills.
Vivid visual methods along with a friendly learning environment, fully equipped with learning tools, create favorable conditions for children to promote their passion for learning.
Practical life skills of the Montessori Method aim to promote independence, creative thinking and self-confidence.
Woki Music, Art, Dance Kids, Australia’s Ready Steady Go Kids sports program with 10-combined-sports to practice skills for preschool age.
International Curriculum
The core teacher is a foreigner
100% of their living and studying time, children communicate in English.
Why choose WIS?
Fieldwork Education
WIS is accredited by the International Curriculum Association ICA, Fieldwork Education and has full authority to provide and implement the International Early Childhood Education Program (IEYC). Students who complete the IEYC program and fully meet the graduation standards will be awarded the IEYC International Kindergarten Certificate of Completion.
LOTUS Green Building
The first Green-standard preschool in Vietnam with the certification of Green Building LOTUS Small Building.
Forbes honors 2018
WIS International Preschool was honored by Forbes as one of the large-scale and high-quality school chains in Ho Chi Minh City in 2018.
Silver LOTUS Award
WIS was honored to receive the Silver LOTUS Award at Vietnam Green Building Week 2020 by VGBC and the Ministry of Construction.